Karen Chou

Karen  Chou
  • Associate Professor
  • Animal Science
  • Institute for Integrative Toxicology


Website: https://cit.msu.edu/directory/chou-karen.html


Dr. Chou is a reproductive toxicologist, specifically interested in the developmental effects of environmental contaminants. She studies environmental agricultural and reproductive toxicology (environmental toxicants and their role in fertility and birth defects) and exposure and health effects of environmental chemicals in mammalian species, with a focus on developmental and reproductive toxicity. Her laboratory examines the mechanism of toxicity of pesticides and endocrine disrupters on testicular function, sperm and egg production, and fertility. The target mechanisms include the functions of endocrine systems, production of reactive oxygen species, and the relationship between clusters of alternations in gene expression and long-term reproductive performance. A second major focus of her laboratory is the development of improved semen preservation methods for livestock. The study models include laboratory animals, livestock, and cultured gametes.


  • Chemical toxicology
  • Environmental contamination
  • Mammalian reproduction
  • Environmental toxicology and risk assessment
  • Environmental contamination responses