Scott Loveridge

Scott  Loveridge
  • Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development
  • Professor
  • Fisheries and Wildlife
  • Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics



Dr. Loveridge is a tenured full professor in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE). His first administrative role came as a Peace Corps Fisheries Volunteer in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he co-managed an aquaculture demonstration station. He subsequently gained 23 years of administrative experience within the academy. His leadership roles at West Virginia University included unit leader (45 tenure system and fixed term faculty) and director of an endowed research institute.  After coming to MSU, he served State Extension Leader, Director of Graduate Studies in AFRE, and Center Director.  As State Extension Leader for MSU, he had regular interactions with DNR Chiefs and the Michigan Natural Features Inventory.  In 2017, he served 12 months as interim director of the School of Planning, Design, and Construction (SPDC) during their successful international search for a permanent director.  As with his SPDC role, Loveridge will not be a candidate for the chair position, but will serve until the new chair starts.   


  • Impact assessments of polices, investments and shocks
  • Economic development strategies for states and sub-state regions
  • University-based technology transfer system
  • U.S. government rural development policies