Water infrastructure at the urban, suburban, and rural interface offers challenges and opportunities to protect human health and the environment and provide sustainable resources. The Sustainable Water Collaborative brings together MSU faculty, extension educators and specialists, institutes and centers, facility professionals, and community members to enhance educational programs and research at this intersection. It uses the MSU campus as a living, learning laboratory.
A priority for the Sustainable Water Collaborative is to establish a network of participants to match course instructors with guest speakers to deliver academic content that illustrates the interdisciplinary nature, and complexity, of water infrastructure. The Collaborative will also connect projects from MSU Extension and MSU Infrastructure, Planning, and Facilities (IPF) to student groups, in and out of the classroom, as well as cultivate teams to prepare proposals on educational and research initiatives. We encourage all interested University personnel to participate in order to provide meaningful educational opportunities for our students and help solve campus water-related challenges.
The Collaborative is also committed to hosting an annual workshop to provide sessions on required skills and techniques to work collaboratively in diverse environments and present case studies of successful water infrastructure partnerships. The event will also offer an opportunity to broadcast the needs of instructors and students, such as guest speakers and projects, subsequently enabling a match-making process to providers of these opportunities.
Interested in providing your water infrastructure knowledge and expertise to others? Click the link below to become a contributing member of the MSU Sustainable Water Collaborative.
Interested in requesting a guest lecture or assistance with a water infrastructure-related topic/project? Click the link below to view current MSU Sustainable Water Collaborative members and their specializations.