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Weekly Update (10/16/2023)

ESPP News & Announcements


Scholarships, Awards & Fellowships

  • miSWCS Scholarship opportunity

    The Michigan Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (miSWCS) is offering a $750 Scholarship to eligible applicants through the Michigan Scholarships in Conservation Program for the Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 Academic Year. Scholarships are awarded to encourage qualified students to enter the field of natural resources conservation, and to prepare them for related careers through an organized program of study at an institution of higher education offering training in appropriate disciplines. Awards will be based on interest in conservation, scholastic ability, and participation in conservation activities. Students can download the Application form from the miSWCS website, or they can request the form directly from the Chapter Secretary. Applications for the scholarship must reach the Scholarship Committee by November 8, 2022. The recipient will be selected by November 22, 2023. Applications should be emailed to: Daniel F. Kesselring, Secretary Michigan Chapter SWCS.

  • IBEEM is accepting Postdoctoral Fellowship applications

    IBEEM (the MSU Institute for Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, and Macrosystems: is now accepting applications for 2024 IBEEM Postdoctoral Fellows. The application includes a short collaborative proposal among multiple postdocs. To facilitate networking and collaboration in preparation for submitting the proposals, IBEEM will host 2 networking sessions (October 19 and November 2), open to MSU postdocs and their faculty mentors in the areas of Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, and Macrosystems. Applications are due November 17th, 2023. For more information on IBEEM, the networking sessions, and to apply, see the call for the 2024 IBEEM Postdoctoral Fellowship.

  • Call for Nominations: MSU Outreach & Engagement Awards

    University Outreach and Engagement recognizes and shines a light on exemplary high-quality community-engaged scholarship and outreach activities through its awards programs. There are four separate awards that are accepting nominations:

    • Community Engagement Scholarship Award
    • Graduate Student Award for Community Engagement Scholarship
    • Graduate Student Award for Science Communication and Outreach
    • Institutional Champion Award for Community Engagement Scholarship

    The application deadline is November 10, 2023

  • Education Opportunity Fellowship from the Graduate School

    The purpose of this fellowship is to provide financial assistance to Michigan State University’s graduate and professional students who meet the eligibility requirements. For a list of these requirements and to apply, visit the link above. The deadline for application is October 6, 2023.

Seminars, Workshops & Other Events

Job Opportunities

  • Research Assistant at the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative (TDI) Center

    The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative (TDI) Center is seeking a graduate level research assistant to support research and outreach projects focused on enhancing communication and collaboration for cross-disciplinary research teams. The research assistants will work up to 10 hours each per week, at $22 per hour. The ideal candidate will be available to start work no later than January 1, 2024.
    Duties include:

    • Assist with project activities, including but not limited to, note taking for virtual Toolbox workshops, designing online surveys, conducting and/or assisting with interviews, cleaning survey and transcript data, cataloguing data, and writing reports.
    • Assist with the coordination and implementation of Toolbox workshops, webinars, and other meetings as needed and schedule allows.
    • Attend bi-weekly project management meetings

    How to Apply:

    • A one-page cover letter indicating your qualifications and interest in the position
    • A 1-2 page resume
    • Names and contact information for two references

    Applications due by October 31, 2023 interviews will shortly follow this deadline. You can also contact Beth Mugavero if you have questions.

Upcoming ESPP Events

  • October 27, 2023: Student Research Symposium
  • October 27, 2023: Distinguished Lecture Series, Prof. Jay Lund from UC Davis
  • November 17, 2023: Faculty Forum (Topic: TBD)