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Weekly Update (10/23/2023)

ESPP News & Announcements


Course Announcements

  • GLG 898: Communicating Science Beyond Academia (T/Th 8:30-9:50)

    Are you interested in sharing your research to a broader audience but do not know how? Communicating beyond academia requires being able to convey the importance and rigor of a topic, as well as the excitement and resourcefulness that lead to scientific results. This course will teach you to effectively communicate with a non-expert audience. You will learn tools and techniques for sharing science in formal and informal settings in ways that engage the audience and build trust. You will gain greater skill, ease, and confidence in communicating beyond scientific publications and academic presentations to effectively communicate with a broad audience through writing, speaking, and other media. Communication strategies covered in this course include popular press articles, TED talks, K-12 education, policy briefs, and photo-journalism. Questions? Feel free to contact Jacqueline Gerson at

Scholarships, Awards & Fellowships

  • MSU Graduate Student Award for Community Engaged Scholarship

    Master’s & Ph.D. students are invited to apply for this university-wide award that honors two-way, reciprocal, collaborations with community partners beyond the borders of MSU’s campus. Awards are given in four categories–community engaged research, creative activities, teaching/learning, and service/practice. Students (not their faculty or advisers) are encouraged to apply. Winners receive $750 and are honored at a spring awards ceremony. Application deadline is November 10, 2023.

  • MSU Graduate Student Award for Science Communication and Outreach

    Master’s and Ph.D. students are invited to apply for this university-wide awards that honors exemplary translation and communication of scholarly ideas, research findings, and advancements in all academic disciplines to the general public. This award honors more one-way outreach and communications with audiences beyond campus borders. The winner receives $750 and is honored at a spring awards ceremony. The application deadline is November 10, 2023.

Seminars, Workshops & Other Events

  • Webinar: The core components of a successful broader impacts plan | October 26, 2023, 10:00-11:30 AM

    In addition to its intellectual merits, each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) is reviewed according to the merits of its broader impacts (BI) plan, or the benefits of the proposed research to society. Come to this workshop to learn more about NSF’s BI criterion and major BI goals, the six core components of a successful BI plan, and key resources to help you develop a winning proposal. An MSU researcher will share how he incorporated these components into his BI plan.

  • Women*s Initiative for Leadership Development Conference | November 12, 2023

    The Women*s Initiative for Leadership Development (or WILD) is a student leadership conference facilitated by a committee of engaged students in collaboration with the Office of Women*s Student Services and Women*s Council at Michigan State University. All Spartans (students, faculty, staff) who are interested in gender equity, empowerment, and leadership development are encouraged to attend!

Job and Training Opportunities

  • Water, energy, food systems fieldwork opportunity for early-career researchers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in June 2024

    Apply to participate with costs paid in the Collaborative Learning School (CLS) to be held in Pennsylvania and areas surrounding the Chesapeake Bay, June 1st - 14th, 2024. The CLS will be led by experts from Penn State, Michigan State, and Stockholm Environment Institute, who lead the SustainFood network project supported by the National Science Foundation. Participants selected to join the CLS will gain exposure to a multitude of water-energy-food (WEF) nexus topics including sustainable agriculture, food value chains, agroforestry, nutrient loading to waterways, instream ecological flows, climate-driven flood and drought extremes, bioenergy, manure-based biogas, solar and wind technologies, and legacy effects of historical coal mining and current development of oil, gas, and fracking. Application deadline: November 3, 2023

  • NCAR ASP Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline Oct 31

    The ASP postdoctoral fellowship is an excellent opportunity to conduct independent research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. ASP fellows are part of a collaborative cohort, are mentored by leading NCAR scientists and engineers, and benefit from the breadth of science and training happening at NCAR. The Advanced Study Program (ASP) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program has been a part of NCAR for over fifty years and has sponsored more than 500 postdoctoral scientists. Atmospheric scientists, physicists, chemists, applied mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, and specialists from related disciplines such as biology, geology, science education, economics, and geography can participate in ASP and contribute to innovation and creativity at NCAR.

  • Graduate Research Assistant position in Department of Sociology

    The Department of Sociology is looking for a Graduate Research Assistant paid hourly ($20/hour) to assist with a project to:

    • Develop Qualtrics survey
    • Distribute survey
    • Create website
    • Assist with data analysis
    • Assist in facilitating focus groups/listening sessions
    • Prepare final report Application materials include a cover letter outlining experience and qualifications, CV, and a letter of recommendation from previous employer or a MSU faculty/staff person. Please apply through handshake

Upcoming ESPP Events

  • October 27, 2023: Student Research Symposium
  • October 27, 2023: Distinguished Lecture Series, Prof. Jay Lund from UC Davis
  • November 17, 2023: Faculty Forum (Topic: TBD)