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Weekly Update (12/11/2023)

ESPP News & Announcements

Dear ESPP Students and Faculty,

I wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt wishes to each and every one of you as we approach the end of the fall semester.

To our dedicated students: You’ve worked hard, learned, and grown throughout the semester. As you navigate through the challenges of finals week, remember that you have the knowledge and skills to succeed. Take a deep breath, stay focused, and give it your best effort. Your determination and commitment will undoubtedly pay off.

To our esteemed faculty: Your guidance and support have been invaluable in shaping the academic journey of our students. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to fostering a positive learning environment.

As the holiday season approaches, may you find moments of joy and relaxation amid the busyness of finals. Take breaks when needed, prioritize self-care, and remember that you are part of a supportive community.

This will be the last weekly update for this year. I hope the weekly updates have kept you informed about news and opportunities at ESPP. We will resume at the beginning of the spring semester.

Wishing everyone a successful and fulfilling finals week, and a joyful holiday season ahead. You’ve got this!

Warm regards,

Lifeng Luo, Director

Course Announcements


  • GEO 411: Stream Systems and Landforms | Spring 24 | Tue & Thu 10:20-11:40 AM

    Dr. Ethan Theuerkauf will offer this course in Spring 2024, and it is open to all students who are interested in learning more about stream systems from a geomorphology perspective. Students will learn specifically about the behavior of streams, including channel hydraulics, sediment transport, hydraulic geometry, channel patterns, river networks, and landform evolution. The practical application of this knowledge will also be emphasized in connection with stream management and restoration. Students will gain exposure to field methods in stream research through local field trips including the Red Cedar River on campus. Contact Dr. Theuerkauf for questions.

  • CSUS 491: Environmental Risk: Perception, Communication, & Governance | Spring 24 | Wednesday 10:00 AM - 1:10 PM

    Dr. Adam Zwickle will offer this course during Spring 2024, open to upper-level undergrad and graduate students. This conversation-based class will focus on how people perceive environmental risks, how those perceptions influence their decisions and behaviors, how we can better communication environmental risks, and difference approaches to effective governing them. Contact Dr. Adam Zwickle for questions.

  • GLG 850: From Research to Publication | Spring 24 | Monday 2:00 - 4:00 PM

    This course will provide an overview of the process for moving research from data/theory to publication including: ethics in publishing, identifying appropriate journals, writing manuscripts, and the publication process. In previous semesters, most students completed manuscripts for theses, dissertations, or journal submission with many papers eventually published. Interested students should have a data set, model, developed theory/proof, or similar that is ready for communication to a broader audience. Open to up to 20 graduate students and advanced undergraduates in any discipline. The course will consist of both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous meetings will be offered hybrid to accommodate many learners. Contact Dr. Julie Libarkin for questions.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities

  • College of Social Science DEI Small Grant Program | Deadline 5PM on December 15

    The Dean’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Small Grant Program is a competitive small grants program which provides up to $5,000 for social science scholarship that engages thoughtfully with, and advances SSC’s mission of inclusive excellence. Priority will be given to multi/interdisciplinary, collaborative projects that are aligned with the College Strategic Plan for DEI. There are three distinct categories for the grants: 1) Faculty, 2) Staff, and 3) Graduate Students.

  • UCAR Next Generation Fellowship

    The UCAR Next Generation graduate Fellowship is a prestigious, multi-faceted opportunity to explore the interplay between the areas of scientific research, diversity and inclusion, and public policy within the field of Earth Systems Science. Fellows engage with, and learn from, UCAR’s leaders in these three arenas while participating in dedicated professional development and leadership training opportunities. Application will open in January 2024.

  • Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) program | Deadline Feb 6, 2024

    Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST F.5) solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible organizations for graduate student-designed and performed research projects that contribute to Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) science, technology, and exploration goals. The graduate student shall have the primary initiative to define the proposed FINESST research project and must be the primary author, with input or supervision from the proposal’s Principal Investigator (PI) or mentor, as appropriate. The proposal must present a well-defined research problem/activity and a justification of its scientific significance to NASA. FINESST awards are research grants for up to three years and up to $50K per year.

Job and Training Opportunities

  • NSF NCAR Earth System Science Internship (NESSI) | Application Deadline: Jan 6, 2024

    The NSF NCAR Earth System Science Internship (NESSI), hosted by NSF NCAR Education, Engagement & Early-Career Development (EdEC), offers students interested in the Earth system sciences an opportunity to conduct research with NSF NCAR scientists from across all labs on a wide range of topics including but not limited to atmospheric science, computational science, engineering, and solar & space physics. Our Program is designed to support students and promote Earth system science through research, mentoring, and community building.

  • Postdoc position at Department of Energy-funded Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center

    The GLBRC is a multi-disciplinary research environment that draws on the expertise of over 400 scientists, engineers, students, and staff to develop economically viable and environmentally sustainable biofuels and bioproducts. In addition to accessing the Center’s extensive equipment and resources, we provide professional and career development support to complement the scientific training of our early career scientists. Co-mentored by Prof. Chris Hittinger and Dr. Trey Sato, the postdoc will conduct research to optimize microbial conversion of lignocellulosic sugars to specialty biofuels in yeast, using metabolic engineering, multi-omics, and synthetic biology approaches.