Weekly Update (03/18/2024)
ESPP News and Announcements
Upcoming ESPP Events
Please mark your calendar for the upcoming ESPP events. More details will follow.
Seminars, Workshops, and Other Events
Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture: Claire L Parkinson “From Environmental Progress to Climate Change Challenges”.
Plant Biology Seminar Series: Bob Schmitz, Deciphering cis-regulation at single-cell regulation in plants
Join Zoom Meeting: https://msu.zoom.us/j/93122298084 with passcode 800352.
Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture: Yadvinder Malhi “Captured sunshine: what can an energetic view of life on Earth tell us about nature decline and recovery?”
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Award Opportunities
CIRCLE Graduate Fellowship | Deadline April 8, 2024
The Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Collaboration, Learning, and Engagement (CIRCLE) will support three doctoral graduate students in the CIRCLE Graduate Fellowship (CGFP). The CGFP is a guided fellowship focused on interdisciplinary research and practice. Fellows in the program will develop skills and knowledge related to the practice of interdisciplinary inquiry and collaboration, including qualitative and arts-based methods, team building, facilitation, and critical engagement with the concept of interdisciplinarity.
Urban Community Engagement Fellows | Deadline March 29, 2024
Graduate students with interests in urban community engagement in Lansing, MI are encouraged to apply for this fall-spring semester fellows program. For the 2024-2025 academic year, fellows will engage with community partner(s) in the Greater Lansing area to complete a project in collaboration with MSU and the community partner(s). Fellows will be completing community-identified projects as a multidisciplinary team. Contact < href='finchbr1@msu.edu'>Brittany Finch with your questions.
Neogen Land Grant Prize | Deadline April 25, 2024
This $40,000 endowed award program seeks to advance the work of an MSU graduate student whose research has the potential to contribute to economic and scientific improvements in society, with a promise of practical applications that benefit U.S. economic interests. Applicants must be graduate students in good standing who have successfully passed their preliminary exam, have a track record of research accomplishment, and a project that is ripe for translation to impact through a commercialization/dissemination pathway.