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Weekly Update (12/04/2023)

Course Announcements


  • CSUS 491: Environmental Risk: Perception, Communication, & Governance | Spring 24 | Wednesday 10:00 AM - 1:10 PM

    Dr. Adam Zwickle will offer this course during Spring 2024, open to upper-level undergrad and graduate students. This conversation-based class will focus on how people perceive environmental risks, how those perceptions influence their decisions and behaviors, how we can better communication environmental risks, and difference approaches to effective governing them. Contact Dr. Adam Zwickle for questions.

  • GLG 850: From Research to Publication | Spring 24 | Monday 2:00 - 4:00 PM

    This course will provide an overview of the process for moving research from data/theory to publication including: ethics in publishing, identifying appropriate journals, writing manuscripts, and the publication process. In previous semesters, most students completed manuscripts for theses, dissertations, or journal submission with many papers eventually published. Interested students should have a data set, model, developed theory/proof, or similar that is ready for communication to a broader audience. Open to up to 20 graduate students and advanced undergraduates in any discipline. The course will consist of both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous meetings will be offered hybrid to accommodate many learners. Contact Dr. Julie Libarkin for questions.

  • GEO 873: Mountain Social-ecological systems in an era of change | Spring 24 | Thursday 9:10 AM - 12 PM

    Dr. Geoff Henebry will offer this seminar course during Spring 2024. The course aims to introduce graduate students to the manifold complexities encountered in mountainous landscapes while giving them experience in critical reading, thinking, and discussing about classic and recent scientific literature. Contact Dr. Henebry for questions.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities

  • Carol and Michael LeMense Family Endowed Graduate Fellowship | Deadline February 2, 2024

    This fellowship will be awarded to students at graduate levels. Applicants will have graduated from a US public high school and demonstrated academic excellence in their undergraduate studies.

  • Barbara Stewart Thomas and Jim Thomas Graduate Fellowship | Deadline January 12, 2024

    Passionate in the belief that all members of society deserve the opportunity to develop to their highest human potential, Barbara and Jim Thomas established this graduate fellowship for individuals whose studies demonstrate the pursuit of “social justice for all”. This fellowship offers freedom to the recipient whose passion for social justice can now be further explored by pursuing an advanced education, whether it is in the arts, humanities, social sciences, etc.

  • TIAA Ruth Simms Hamilton Graduate Merit Fellowship | Deadline January 18, 2024

    This fellowship provides support for MSU doctoral students whose dissertation research is related to the African Diaspora (i.e., research that is focused on any aspect of the communities of people descended from the voluntary or forced historic movement of African peoples to other parts of the world and who are usually connected back in some way to Africa).

  • Application is open for 2024 NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award | Deadline December 18, 2023

    With support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Michigan State University (MSU), NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Awards are given to students, postdocs, and junior researchers (e.g., assistant professors) to cover expenses associated with attending the IALE-North America Annual Meeting (North America Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology), which will be held from April 1-5, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. An award will cover the relevant expenses up to $800. Click here for details about this award. Applicants from all countries around the world (except former award recipients) are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is Dec. 18, 2023. Fill out the application here. Questions can be directed to [Dr. Jianguo (Jack) Liu] (

Seminars, Workshops, and Other Events