Weekly Update (10/21/2024)
ESPP Announcements
Dissertation Defense: Snehalata Sainjoo
Snehalata Sainjoo is an ESPP Dual Major doctoral student in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. She will defend her dissertation titled “Adapting to Uncertainties: Assessing the Impacts of Dams, Climate Change, and Resource Shifts on Farming Livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Region” on November 7, 2024 at 12 PM. This will be hybrid defense, both in person (Natural Resources Room 338) and online (https://msu.zoom.us/j/9164897513 with passcode dbkmsu)
Course Announcements
This coming Spring CNS will be offering a graduate course “Tools for women in STEM” (NSC 844). This is a 2-credit course with practical tools that will help graduate students to advance their career goals and mitigate the challenges they may encounter. More information is available at here
Seminars, Workshops, and Other Events
The Global Environmental, Migration, and Health Studies Initiative (GEMHS) welcomes Dr. Carmel Price, University of Michigan-Dearborn, to present her work with The Environmental Health Research-to-Action Project. If you’re joining us in person, RSVP here. If you’re joining via Zoom, please register here
Road to removal symposium | October 28-29, 2024 | IU Indianapolis
The O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs on the IU Indianapolis campus is hosting, in conjunction with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a symposium titled “Roads to Removal.” The event will discuss a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, which assesses the national potential of carbon dioxide removal and storage. Attendance is free, and registration is available at https://go.iu.edu/roadstoremoval
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities
Jianguo (Jack) Liu Graduate Award in Sustainability | Deadline: October 25, 2024
This endowment was established to benefit students enrolled in any doctoral program at MSU to help address global sustainability challenges and opportunities, particularly telecoupling, metacoupling, and coupled human and natural systems.
USGS/EROS Mendenhall Fellowship in Land Use monitoring | Deadline: November 1, 2024
USGS has an opportunity at EROS for a Mendenhall Fellowship to develop/prototype a monitoring capability for Land Use in the US. This Mendenhall is a great opportunity to further research ideas with the resources and collaboration of the USGS EROS Center. Interested candidates are encouraged to reach out to Christopher Barber (cbarber@usgs.gov) or Kristi Sayler (sayler@usgs.gov) to discuss research ideas and any other relevant questions. The close date for submission is November 1, 2024. The announcement will open on USAJobs on September 20th.
Scholarship from Michigan Scholarships in Conservation Program |Deadline November 6, 2024
From ESPP alumnus Zach Curtis: The Michigan Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (miSWCS) offers a $750 Scholarship to eligible applicants through the Michigan Scholarships in Conservation Program for the Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Academic Year. Scholarships are awarded to encourage qualified students to enter the field of natural resources conservation, and to prepare them for related careers through an organized program of study at an institution of higher education offering training in appropriate disciplines. Awards will be based on interest in conservation, scholastic ability, and participation in conservation activities.
Jobs and Training Opportunities
Administrative Assistant Opportunity at MI Public Service Commission
Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC) is looking for an Administrative Assistant. The work of the PSC takes place in a rapidly evolving energy landscape and the Administrative Assistant will support Commissioner Peretick by providing expert advice on matters before the Commission and carrying out special projects as needed to support the goals of the agency. Tasks could include researching high-profile cases, assessing the social, economic, and political implications of existing and proposed policies, and representing the Commissioner in meetings with external stakeholders. Here is the link to the job description with details on how to apply.
Reginald A. Daly Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Harvard University | Deadline November 6, 2024
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University is looking for candidates for the Reginald A. Daly Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. These honorific postdoctoral fellowships are awarded for a one-year period, with an anticipated extension for a second year. Daly fellows carry out independent research and may choose to interact with one or more research groups in the department. Applicants are encouraged to contact members of the department before applying.