Weekly Update (04/08/2024)
ESPP News and Announcements
ESP802 (Human Systems and the Environment) student presentation open to all ESPP students
ESPP Annual End-of-Year Gathering
Course Announcements

Seminars, Workshops, and Other Events
WaterCube NRT Brown Bag Discussion featuring Jacqueline Gerson
Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture: Richard Church “Spatial Optimization and Conservation Biology”
Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture: Pedro Sánchez “A Tropical Scientist’s Life-long Response to Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring”
Climate Conversations: Environmental Justice
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Award Opportunities
Neogen Land Grant Prize | Deadline April 25, 2024
This $40,000 endowed award program seeks to advance the work of an MSU graduate student whose research has the potential to contribute to economic and scientific improvements in society, with a promise of practical applications that benefit U.S. economic interests. Applicants must be graduate students in good standing who have successfully passed their preliminary exam, have a track record of research accomplishment, and a project that is ripe for translation to impact through a commercialization/dissemination pathway.
Asian Pacific American Studies Graduate Fellowship Program | Deadline: April 15, 2024
The APAS Graduate Fellowship offers MSU graduate students a unique opportunity to develop skills in research, professional development, and community engagement in ways informed by Asian Pacific American scholarship and praxis. The 2024-25 APAS Graduate Fellowship will be awarded to five (5) graduate students who demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to a career that incorporates the application of Asian Pacific American Studies.
Jobs and Training Opportunities
Judges Needed: 2024 University Undergraduate Research & Arts Forum (UURAF)
The Undergraduate Research Office is seeking graduate students and post-docs to provide constructive feedback to undergraduate students on their research and creative inquiry. This is an excellent opportunity for professional development and CV/resume enhancement.
Data Scientist/PostDoctoral Associate position at the Lake Superior NERR
Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) in Superior, WI is seeking a Data Scientist for a research project focused on spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrients and water quality in the western arm of the Lake Superior Basin to understand emerging harmful algal blooms. To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references by e-mail to kreinl@wisc.edu.